Date | Agendas & Minutes | File Attachments | Actions Passed |
April 24, 2024 | Agenda |                              4a. Draft Minutes of 03-28-2024 Faculty Council Meeting
                             4b. Motion to Award Degrees – Spring 2024
                                                  4c. Request to Award Posthumous Degree to Yousef Al Hanbali
                                                  4d. Revision to Bylaws of the Honors Council & Honors Council Structure and Election
                                                  4e. Revision to Appeal of Academic Termination Policy
                                                  4f. Training Requirement for First-Time Chairs of Thesis/Dissertation Committees
                                                  4g. Request to Change Name of Department of Languages and Culture Studies to Department of Languages, Cultures and Translation
                                                  4h. Request to Change Name of International Studies, B.A. to Global Studies, B.A.
                             4i. Revision to Course Numbering and Status Policy
                                                  4j. University Faculty Governance Election Results
                                                  4k. Results of Faculty Vote on Changes to Constitution of the Faculty
                                                  5. UNC Charlotte Open Access Policy
                                                  6. Division of Research Draft Implementation Plan
            7. GASP Update Presentation
            8. Faculty Leadership Development Initiative Presentation
            9. Honors Council Update Presentation | |
March 28, 2024 |                                                   Agenda |             5. Student Athletics Presentation
                             6a. Draft Minutes of 02-22-24 Faculty Council Meeting
                                                  6b. Review of the Five-Year Calendar
                                                  6c. Proposed Revisions to Procedures for Resolving Faculty Grievances
                                                  6d. Proposed Revisions to Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures
                                                  6e. Request to Change the Name of the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
                                                  7. Request to Change the Name of the Department of Public Health AND to Establish a New Department
                                                  8. UNC Charlotte Policy and Procedure: Open Access Policy
                             10. Nominations still needed – as of 03.27.24 |                              6a. Approved 02-22-2024 Faculty Council Minutes
                                                  6b. Recommended to Chancellor Approval of Five-Year Academic Calendar
                                                  6c. Approved Revisions to Procedures for Resolving Faculty Grievances
                                                  6d. Approved Revisions to Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures
                                                  6e. Approved request to change name of department to the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences
                                                  7. Approved request to change name of department to the Department of Epidemiology and Community Health
                                                  7. Approved request to establish a new department called the Department of Health Management and Policy |
February 22, 2024 |                                                   Agenda
                             Minutes |             4. Inclusive Excellence Strategic Plan presentation
                             5a. Draft Minutes of 01-18-2024 Faculty Council Meeting
                                                  5b. Request to revise name of Electrical Engineering Technology, B.S.E.T. to Electromechanical Engineering Technology, B.S.E.T.
                                                  5c. Call for Nominations for 2024-2025 Faculty Governance Positions, faculty-wide
            6. Open Access Policy presentation
                                                  6. UNC Charlotte Open Access Policy
  7. Revisions to the Standing Rules of the Faculty Council
                             7. Revisions to the Constitution of the Faculty |                              5a. Approved 01-18-2024 Faculty Council Minutes as amended
                                                  5b. Approved request to revise name of Electrical Engineering Technology, BSET to Electromechanical Engineering Technology, BSET
                                                  5c. Received informational Call for Nominations for 2024-2025 Faculty Governance Positions, faculty-wide
  7. Approved revisions to Standing Rules of the Faculty Council
                             7. Approved revisions to Constitution of the Faculty (pending vote of the faculty) |
January 18, 2024 |                                                   Agenda
                             Minutes |             4. Dart presentation
                             5a. Draft minutes of 11-30-2023 Faculty Council meeting
                                                  5b. Request to revise name of Nanoscale Science, Ph.D.
                             6. Draft changes to the Faculty Workload Procedure – MARKUP VERSION
                             6. Draft changes to the Faculty Workload Procedure – CLEAN VERSION |                              5a. Approved 11-30-23 Faculty Council Minutes
                                                  5b. Approved request to revise name of Nanoscale Science, Ph.D. to Chemistry and Nanoscale Science, Ph.D. |
November 30, 2023 |                                                   Agenda
                             Minutes |             4. Presentation – University Finances and System Funding Model
                             5a. Draft Minutes of 10-26-2023 Faculty Council Meeting
                                                  5b. Motion to Award Degrees – Fall 2023
                                                  5c. Request to Award Degree in Memoriam to Genesis Reynoso
                                                  5d. Proposed Revisions to Graduate Student Parental Leave Policy
            6. Presentation – The ROI Project and Charlotte |                              5a. Approved 10-26-23 Faculty Council Minutes
                                                  5b. Approved Motion to Award Degrees
                                                  5c. Approved Request to Award Degree in Memoriam to Genesis Reynoso
                                                  5d. Approved Revisions to Graduate Student Parental Leave Policy |
October 26, 2023 |                                                   Agenda
                             Minutes |             6. Strategic Enrollment Planning Presentation
                             7a. Draft Minutes of 09-28-2023 Faculty Council Meeting
                                                  7b. Memo regarding proposed revision to Honors Programs Policy
                             7b. Proposed Revision to Honors Programs Policy
                                                  7c. Proposed New Requirement for Thesis and Dissertation Students
                                                  7d. FYI: 2023-24 Operating Budget Allocations
                                                  9. UNC System Faculty Workload Policy |                              7a. Approved 09-28-2023 Faculty Council Minutes
                             7b. Approved Revision to UNC Charlotte Academic Policy: Honors Programs
                                                  7c. Approved New Requirement for Thesis and Dissertation Students
                                                  7d. Received 2023-24 Operating Budget Allocations |
September 28, 2023 |                                                   Agenda
                             Minutes |             2. Chancellor’s Report Slide
                             4. Overview of the Faculty Council Document
            4. Overview of the Faculty Council Slide
                             5a. Approve Draft Minutes of the April 27, 2023 Faculty Council Meeting
                                                  5b. Receive 2022-2023 Annual Reports of Standing Committees
                             6. Review and Provide Feedback on changes to University Policy 101.4, Concurrent Employment of Related Persons |                              5a. Approved 04-27-2023 Faculty Council Minutes
                                                  5b. Received 2022-2023 Annual Reports of Standing Committees |