Revise Courses in Nurse Anethesia (NUAN)

Date: May 25, 2012
To: College of Health and Human Services
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: April 27, 2012
Implementation Date: 2012

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.


The School of Nursing proposes to revise course descriptions and course objectives of the Nurse Anesthesia major and the Post Masters Certificate to reflect changes in the profession and to enhance focus on diversity, age, and genetics. This proposal applies to both MSN and Post Masters Certificate curricula since Post Masters Certificate students are required to complete the entire Nurse Anesthesia specialty courses (NUAN prefix) with the MSN students. Course objectives were modified to reflect advances in the field and an enhanced focus on diversity, age, and genetics.

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NUAN 6151. Principles of Nurse Anesthesia I. (3) Corequisite: Prerequisite: NUAN 6156. Overview of the principles, techniques and equipment necessary for the administration of anesthesia for the general surgical client. (Fall)

NUAN 6152. Principles of Nurse Anesthesia II. (3) Prerequisite: NUAN 6151. Provides nurse anesthesia students with specific Specific techniques of nurse anesthesia practice for selected clients. (Spring)

NUAN 6153. Principles of Nurse Anesthesia III. (3) Prerequisite: NUAN 6152. Advanced nurse anesthesia practice for selected patients. clients (Summer)

NUAN 6154. Pharmacology of for Non Anesthetic Agents. (4) Prerequisite: NUAN 6156 or Permission of the department. Introduction to the pharmacology of anesthetic drugs and adjunctive agents, including general pharmacological principles, pharmocokinetics and pharmacodynamics. An exploration of pharmacological concepts and clinical application of non-anesthetic drugs and adjunct agents commonly used in the anesthetic arena. (Spring)

NUAN 6155. Pharmacology in Anesthetic Agents. (4) Prerequisite: NUAN 6154. Corequisite: Prerequisite: NUAN 6156. Continuation of Pharmacology I with emphasis on the clinical use of anesthetic agents and adjunctive drugs. (Fall) An exploration of the pharmacological concepts and clinical application of anesthetic drugs. (Fall)

NUAN 6156. Applied Physics and Chemistry in Nurse Anesthesia. (3) Prerequisite: Admission to the major. Permission of the department. Basic laws and principles of physics, inorganic, organic, and biochemistry chemistry and organic chemistry as they apply to the clinical practice of nurse anesthesia. (Fall)

NUAN 6157. Applied Pathophysiology in Nurse Anesthesia I. (3) Prerequisite: BIOL 6273. A study of basic concepts of the pathophysiologies of the nervous, respiratory, cardiac, renal, and endocrine systems with emphasis on their anesthetic implications. Pathophysiology of the nervous and cardiovascular systems with emphasis on their anesthetic implications. (Spring)

NUAN 6158. Applied Pathophysiology in Nurse Anesthesia II. (3) Prerequisite: NUAN 6157. A study of advanced concepts of the pathophysiologies of the nervous, respiratory, cardiac, and hepatobiliary systems, emphasizing anesthetic implications and management. Pathophysiology of the respiratory, endocrine, excretory and renal systems with emphasis on their anesthetic implications (Fall)

NUAN 6171. Professional Aspects of Nurse Anesthesia I. (1) Corequisites: NUAN 6153 and 6485. Overview of the legal, ethical, and professional aspects regarding the practice of nurse anesthesia and information about the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, including its history and Councils on Accreditation, Licensure, and Practice. Overview of the professional aspects of nurse anesthesia practice including history of the profession and professional associations, legal aspects, risk management, and the professional role. (Fall)

NUAN 6172. Professional Aspects of Nurse Anesthesia II. (1) Prerequisite: NUAN 6171. Corequisite: NUAN 6486. Overview of the professional aspects of nurse anesthesia practice including economic considerations, political challenges, evolving role in the health care system, administrative responsibilities, practice regulations, and ethical principles. legal, ethical, and professional aspects regarding the practice of nurse anesthesia and information about the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, including its history and Councils on Accreditation, Certification Licensure, and Practice. (Spring)

NUAN 6485. Clinical Residency in Nurse Anesthesia I. (5) Prerequisite: NUAN 6153 and satisfactory completion of Clinical Orientation. Clinical application of didactic material from the nurse anesthesia curriculum through beginning level practice in the role of a nurse anesthetist. Conferences during the clinical residency provide opportunities to review current research and practice issues. Pass/Unsatisfactory grading only. (Fall)

NUAN 6486. Clinical Residency in Nurse Anesthesia II. (5) Prerequisite: NUAN 6485. Continuation of the clinical application of didactic material from the nurse anesthesia curriculum with focus on utilization of additional anesthesia techniques and increased skills development. Conferences during the clinical residency provide opportunities to review current research and practice issues. Pass/Unsatisfactory grading only. (Spring)

NUAN 6487. Clinical Residency in Nurse Anesthesia III. (5) Prerequisite: NUAN 6486. Incorporation of the content of the nurse anesthesia curriculum with opportunities to begin synthesis of all didactic material and techniques for efficient clinical practice. Conferences during the clinical residency provide opportunities to review current research and practice issues. Pass/Unsatisfactory grading only. (Summer)

NUAN 6489. Clinical Residency in Nurse Anesthesia IV. (5) Prerequisite: NUAN 6487. Non-credit clinical Final residency for synthesis of all didactic material and techniques of nurse anesthesia clinical practice, promotion of professional practice, and preparation of the student for national certification the licensure examination. Conferences during the clinical residency provide opportunities to review current research and practice issues. Pass/Unsatisfactory grading only. (Fall)