The request to revise requirements for PSM in Bioinformatics

Date: March 25, 2016
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: March 7, 2016
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Fall 2016

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

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Professional Preparation Requirement

Students are required to take at least 6 credit hours of electives designed to prepare them to functional effectively and ethically in a professional environment. Students may choose from the following: All PSM in Bioinformatics students are required to enroll in the following:

  • BINF 6151 – Program and Professional Orientation (1)
  • BINF 6151 – Professional Communication (1)
  • BINF 6153 = Career Development in Bioinformatics (1)

The remaining PLUS credits may be chosen from the list of recommended electives:

  • BINF 5171 – Business of Biotechnology (3)
  • BINF 5191 – Biotechnology and the Law (3)
  • ITIS 6362 – Information technology Ethics, Policy and Security (3)
  • PHIL 6050 – Topics in Philosophy (1-3)
  • GRAD 6002 – Responsible Conduct of Research (2)
  • GRAD 6020 – Transferable Skills for Career Success (2)
  • GRAD 6030 – Workplace Communications (1)

Note: Additional elective choices that may fulfill this requirement can be identified by the student and the PSM executive committee.