The request to revise pre- and co-requisites for all NURN courses

Date: April 16, 2014
To: College of Health and Human Services
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: April 1, 2014
Approved by: Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Committee
Implementation Date: Spring 2015

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

NURN 3103. Concepts of Professional Nursing Science. (3) Prerequisite: Admission to RN/BSN curriculum or permission of instructor. Introduces professional nursing with emphasis on theoretical, ethical, and legal models guiding practice. (Fall, Spring)

NURN 3104. Issues in Cultural Health. (1) Prerequisite: Admission to RN/BSN curriculum or permission of instructor. Exploration of concepts and models of cultural health. Analysis of current issues related to culture and healthcare and the impact on provision of nursing care.

NURN 3108. Health Assessment for Nurses. (3) Prerequisites: Admission to the RN-BSN Program or permission of the instructor. BIOL 2259, and BIOL 2274. Pre- or corequisite: NURN 3103. Corequisite: NURN 3108L. Evaluation of human function using interview and physical examination data within a framework for clinical decision making. Competencies necessary for holistic health assessment across the lifespan. (Fall, Spring)

NURN 3108L. Health Assessment Lab. (0) Prerequisite: Admission to the RN-BSN Program. Corequisite: NURN 3108. Evaluation of human function using interview and physical examination data within a framework for clinical decision making. Competencies necessary for holistic health assessment across the lifespan.

NURN 4100. Aging and Health. (3) (O) Prerequisites: Admission to the RN-BSN Program or permission of the instructor, NURN 3103, NURN 3108, and NURN 3104. NURN 3108; CHEM 1203; SOCY 1101 or ANTH 1101; and PSYC 1101. Examination of physiological process of aging as a normal life experience. Study of psychological, nutritional, and general health issues designed to facilitate high level wellness. (Fall, Spring)

NURN 4201. Information Technology: Applications in Health Care. (2) Prerequisite: Upper-division standing or permission of instructor. A study of the use of computers and information technology in healthcare. Emphasis is placed on development of the knowledge and competencies necessary for selective use of evaluation of informatics, computer technology and data management in healthcare. (Spring, Summer)

NURN 4203. Leadership in Nursing Practice. (2) Prerequisite: Admission to the RN-BSN Program or permission of the instructor, NURN 4201, NURN 4440, and NURN 4100. and NURN 3103. Exploration of societal and professional trends and issues affecting nursing and healthcare. Leadership strategies within the profession and practice of nursing. Analysis of care that supports effective utilization of the healthcare delivery system. Health system mediation and health system management will be explored from a nursing intervention perspective. (Fall, Summer)

NURN 4440. Community Health Nursing. (6) Prerequisites: Admission to the RN-BSN Program, NURN 3103, NURN 3108, and NURN 3104. STAT 1220, BIOL 2259, BIOL 2274, CHEM 1203, ENGL 1101, and SOCY 1101 or ANTH 1101, and NURN 3103. Development of competencies for the nursing care management of culturally diverse individuals, families, and populations within communities with emphasis on the nurse’s role in health promotion and maintenance. Particular focus on risk identification and reduction throughout the life span. (Spring, Summer)

NURN 4450. Design and Coordination of Care. (6) (W) Prerequisites: Admission to the RN-BSN Program, NURN 4201, NURN 4440, and NURN 4100. BIOL 2259, BIOL 2274, CHEM 1203, NURN 3108, and NURN 4201. Corequisites: NURN 4203 and NURN 4900. Application of theory-based practice in a variety of settings with clients who have multiple healthcare needs. Emphases are on clinical judgment and decision-making, diagnostic reasoning, clinical ethics, collaboration and case management. Examination of nursing therapeutics within the structure of nursing process and nursing diagnosis. (Fall, Spring)

NURN 4900. Research in Nursing Practice. (2) Prerequisites: Admission to the RN-BSN Program or permission of the instructor, NURN 4201, NURN 4440, and NURN 4100. STAT 1220, ENGL 1101, and NURN 3103. Exploration of the theoretical foundations of nursing with emphasis on research, theories, concepts and processes leading to their application in practice. (Fall, Summer).