The request to revise PhD in Business Administration
Date: November 3, 2015
To: Belk College of Business
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: September 29, 2015
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Summer 2016
Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.
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WebsiteGraduate Program Director
Graduate FacultyEconomicsDr. Stephen Billings, Associate Professor FinanceDr. Lloyd Blenman, Professor Mathematics and StatisticsDr. Jaya Bishwal, Associate Professor The Ph.D. in Business Administration is a research-oriented program designed to prepare graduates for teaching and research careers in academia. The program includes core courses covering all business specialties combined with an in-depth study in both theoretical and empirical aspects of the major and minor field. Students also receive training in pedagogy. Students are expected to demonstrate mastery of the existing body of knowledge in their major field and to develop new knowledge through original independent research. With the educational background provided by the program, graduates are qualified for tenure-track professor positions at both national and international research and teaching universities and other educational institutions. |
Additional Admission RequirementsAll applicants seeking admission into the Ph.D. in Business Administration must fulfill the University’s general requirements for graduate admission at the Ph.D. level. Additional requirements for admission into the program are listed below.
Students are admitted to the program by the Dean of the Graduate School based on the recommendation of the Belk College of Business Doctoral Program Director, in consultation with the Belk College of Business Doctoral Program Committee. Recommendations are based on the assessments of the Program Director and the Program Committee of the candidate’s ability to complete the program, as supported by the application materials. The Program Director, in consultation with the Program Committee, may waive certain requirements if they judge the candidate to be capable of completing the program. If there are more candidates than can be accommodated, candidates are recommended in order of their perceived ability, promise of success, and suitability to the program. Degree RequirementsThe degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration is awarded for completion of scholarly research that advances knowledge in the field of research. Evidence of this is demonstrated by a successful dissertation defense. Additionally, recipients of this degree must demonstrate mastery of the body of knowledge within their major field and potential for success in future teaching and research. Students that enter the program must work with the Program Director to develop a Plan of Study during their first two semesters in the program. This Plan of Study will determine the exact coursework that the student must meet in order to be eligible to take the Qualifying Examination. The Plan of Study must meet all Graduate School and Belk College of Business requirements. The Graduate School requires that any student earning a Ph.D. must complete at least 72 post-baccalaureate credit hours, including at least 18 hours of dissertation credit. Some of these graduate credit hours may include courses taken while enrolled in other graduate programs. It is a Belk College of Business requirement that any program of study within the Ph.D. in Business Administration must contain at least 42 credit hours of doctoral coursework, regardless of other graduate hours that the student may have previously earned. These 42 credit hours are in addition to the minimum 18 hours of dissertation credit that the Graduate School requires. The Plan of Study must contain a minimum of 18 hours in the major field, a minimum of 15 hours in the minor field, and a minimum of 9 hours in research-support courses. In addition to the general requirements above, if a student enters the program with only a Bachelor’s degree, the Plan of Study must include an additional 30 hours of coursework. This coursework must be taken at the graduate level and will generally include courses that are part of the Master of Accountancy , Master of Business Administration , Master of Science in Economics , or Master of Science in Mathematical Finance programs. These 30 hours of additional coursework are subject to the approval of the Program Director. To ensure that all students are ready for doctoral courses in Business Administration, the program has two distinct sets of prerequisites. First, students entering the program must either demonstrate or attain proficiency in each of the business specialties. Second, students must also demonstrate or attain mathematical proficiency. Students entering the program will be evaluated for these proficiencies by the Program Director. If a student is found to be deficient then the Plan of Study must include appropriate courses, as determined by the Program Director, from the Business Core and Mathematical prerequisites listed below. These courses are in addition to the major, minor, and research support courses. Business CoreTo ensure their preparation for doctoral level coursework in all business specialties, students most demonstrate proficiency in the Business Core. Students may satisfy this requirement either by taking the following courses or by having previously taken equivalent courses:
Note:Students who lack sufficient preparation in accounting, economics, or information systems may, at the discretion of the Program Director, be required to complete one or more 5000-level business courses in these disciplines. For the 6000-level courses listed above, only graduate courses may count as equivalent courses. However, students may, at the discretion of the Program Director, be permitted to take other 6000-level or higher-level courses in place of those listed above if the student’s background indicates that this would benefit the student. Mathematics PrerequisitesThe only major available to students enrolled in the Ph.D. in Business Administration program is finance, and all finance students must minor in economics. Finance and economics are mathematically intensive fields. To ensure that students are prepared for doctoral level coursework they are required to have had, at the graduate or undergraduate level, the equivalent of the following courses:
Students lacking these mathematics courses will generally be allowed to take those courses at either the graduate or undergraduate level. At the Program Director’s discretion, a student may be permitted to take combined courses to meet multiple prerequisites. Although unlikely, it is possible that a student may enter the program without having taken a specific prerequisite or business core course but has, nevertheless, acquired the same skill and technical abilities that the course would convey. In such cases, the Program Director may waive the course. Students who lack strong computer programming skills may be advised to take programming courses offered by the College of Computing and Informatics . Specifically, the Program Director may advise a student to take ITCS 1212 (Introduction to Computer Science) or other similar courses after reviewing the student’s background and prior programming experience. Finance Major CoursesThe Plan of Study for the finance major must consist of a minimum of six courses in finance. Normally these courses are:
Note:Two of these courses, BPHD 8200 and BPHD 8240 , are cross-listed with courses that are part of the Master of Science in Economics and the Master of Science in Mathematical Finance programs. Ph.D. students in these cross-listed courses will be required to complete the master’s level requirements of the course and in addition, will be required to take separate exams, prepare a research paper, and complete additional readings. Students that have taken those equivalent courses may, at the discretion of the Program Director, substitute additional sections of BPHD 8650 on their Plan of Study for those courses. In addition, the Program Director may require a student to list BPHD 8650 more than once in their Plan of Study as topics change. Economics Minor CoursesThe Plan of Study for an economics minor must consist of five courses in economics. These courses are:
Note:Exceptions to the economics minor courses may only be made with the permission of the Ph.D. Program Director. Research Support CoursesThe Ph.D. in Business Administration requires that students have at least nine hours of research support courses in their Plan of Study. For the finance major, these research support courses must come from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics or Department of Economics . Students are required to choose three courses from the following:
Note:Some of the research support courses are cross-listed with courses used in the M.S. in Mathematical Finance program. Students that have taken those equivalent courses may, at the discretion of the Graduate Program Director, take other mathematics, statistics, economics, finance or related courses in place of the courses specified above. GradesA student is expected to earn an A or B in all courses included in the program of study and must have at least a 3.0 GPA to graduate. The dissertation is graded on a Pass/Unsatisfactory basis and, therefore, will not be included in the cumulative average. An accumulation of more than two marginal (C) grades will result in suspension of the student’s enrollment in the program. If a student earns a grade of U in any course, their enrollment will be suspended and the student cannot take further coursework without being readmitted to the program. Readmission to the program requires approval of the Dean of the Graduate School upon the recommendation of the Program Director. Teaching Mentor and Pedagogy TrainingTo ensure that graduates of the program are prepared for a career in both teaching as well as in research, a formal system of pedagogical training is required. Students that enter the program without prior teaching experience will be assigned a faculty Teaching Mentor and will be required to attend a teaching workshop. Most students entering the program will also initially be employed as teaching assistants. Normally after one year in the program students will begin to teach their own sections of undergraduate courses. The combination of mentoring, apprenticeship training through the teaching assistantships, formal pedagogy, and actual instructor experience will allow students in the program to develop their teaching skills along with their research skills. Diagnostic EvaluationStudents entering the program will take a diagnostic evaluation at the end of their first full year in the program. The diagnostic examination will be administered by the Program Director, in consultation with the Program Committee. The format of the diagnostic examination will be determined by the Committee, but might consist of a review of the student’s work in classes, a written exam, or an oral exam. The purpose of the diagnostic evaluation will be to determine whether the student is making sufficient progress toward the degree. Students that are determined not to be making satisfactory progress toward the degree will be suspended from the program. Dissertation Advisor and Advisory CommitteeEvery student in the program must have a Dissertation Advisor and an Advisory Committee prior to being admitted to Candidacy. The student should select a dissertation advisor before the end of the second year of residency. The student and the dissertation advisor jointly determine the advisory committee. The Dissertation Advisor serves as Chair of the Advisory Committee and must be a member of the Graduate Faculty of UNC Charlotte. Normally the Dissertation Advisor for a student majoring in finance will be a member of the Department of Finance . A student may petition the Program Director to allow a member of another department within the Belk College , or a member of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics , to serve as their Dissertation Advisor. The advisory committee must have at least four members, three of which are chosen by the student. Normally two members will be from the student’s major field, and one from the student’s minor field. A student may petition the Program Director to allow a member of another department within the Belk College , or a member of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics to serve on the Committee. The fourth member of the committee will be the Graduate Faculty representative to the Committee. That member will be appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School. All members of the Committee must be members of the UNC Charlotte Graduate Faculty. Qualifying ExaminationUpon completion of all required coursework on their Plan of Study, a student must take the Qualifying Examination. The Qualifying Examination is held twice per year. Students that have completed their Program of Study must take the qualifying examination the first time that it is offered. The Comprehensive Exam will be a written exam consisting of two four-hour sessions, administered on consecutive days. The intent of the Qualifying Examination is to test the student’s mastery of the body of knowledge in their major, and to demonstrate their familiarity with current research in the field. The qualifying exam will, therefore, cover topics addressed during doctoral coursework, seminars, and in the recent scholarly literature. The Qualifying Examination will be written and graded by an Examination Committee appointed by the Program Director. This committee will normally consist of faculty from the student’s major, minor, and research support fields. If a student fails the Qualifying Examination at the first attempt, they must retake the exam the next time it is offered. During the interim period, the student may be required to retake courses in which, in the eyes of the Examination Committee, they have a deficiency. It is Graduate School policy that a student who fails the Qualifying Examination twice will be terminated from the program. Admission to CandidacyThe dissertation topic may be proposed after the student has passed the Qualifying Examination. Pursuant to Graduate School rules, a doctoral student advances to candidacy after the student’s Advisory Committee and the Dean of the Graduate School approve the dissertation topic. Further pursuant to Graduate School rules, candidacy must be achieved at least six months before the degree is conferred. DissertationThe student must complete and defend a dissertation based on a research program approved by the student’s Dissertation Advisor and Advisory Committee which results in a high-quality, original and substantial piece of research. The student must orally present and defend the dissertation before the Advisory Committee in a defense that is open to the University Community. A copy of the dissertation must be made available to the Graduate Faculty of the Belk College at least three weeks prior to the public defense. While the defense is open to the University Community, the deliberations of the Advisory Committee are held in Executive Session. The dissertation will be graded on a pass/unsatisfactory basis by the Advisory Committee and the Dean of the Graduate School. The dissertation defense is the final examination. It is a Graduate School requirement that a student that fails the final examination twice will be terminated from the program. Residency RequirementThe Ph.D. in Business Administration is a full-time program. Normally students must enroll for at least nine credit hours during each semester of the regular academic year (i.e., fall and spring) and at least six hours in the summer semester. Students may petition the Program Director for permission to enroll in less than nine credit hours (six credit hours in summer) in cases of hardship or other emergencies. Students that have passed their Qualifying Examinations must enroll in BPHD 8999 – Doctoral Dissertation Research for at least 9 hours during the fall and spring semester and 6 hours during the summer semester. It is a Graduate School requirement that a student must enroll in at least 18 total hours of Dissertation Research in order to graduate from the program. Students that have completed all degree requirements, including the Dissertation Defense, may enroll once in GRAD 9999 – Doctoral Graduate Residency Credit in order to meet Graduate School Residency requirements. AssistantshipsA number of graduate assistantships are available each year for qualified applicants. The Graduate School also has a limited number of fellowships available for highly qualified applicants. Transfer CreditOnly courses with grades of A or B from an appropriate doctoral program at an AACSB accredited school may be accepted for transfer credit. Transfer credit must be approved by the Program Director, and cannot exceed the limit set by the Graduate School. Time Limit for Degree CompletionThe student must achieve candidacy for the Ph.D. degree within six years of enrolling in the program, and the student must complete all degree all requirements within eight years of enrolling in the program. All courses listed on the Plan of Study must also meet Graduate School time requirements. Application for DegreeEach student should make application for his/her degree by completing the online Application for Degree through Banner Self Service no later than the filing date specified in the University Academic Calendar . |