The request to revise the M.S. in Information Technology

Date: March 25, 2016
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: March 7, 2016
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Fall 2016

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

Concentration Component (9 credit hours)

Each student is required to select one concentration and complete 3 courses selected from the list of approved courses for the specific concentration. Among the 9 credit hours for a concentration, 6 may be substituted with a master’s research thesis. The topic for the research thesis must fall within the area of concentration. A core course cannot be double-counted towards a concentration.

The MSIT program offers the following concentrations:

  1. Advanced Data and Knowledge Discovery

Students must take 3 courses from the following list.

ITIS 5510 Web Mining

ITIS 6160 Applied Database

ITIS 6162 Knowledge Discovery in Databases

ITIS 6220 Data Privacy

ITIS 6320 Cloud Data Storage

ITIS 6410 Personalization and Recommender Systems

ITIS 6520 Network Science

ITIS/ITCS 6010 Topics Course (only if topic applicable, and coordinator approved)

ITIS/ITCS 6163 Data Warehousing

ITCS 6155 Knowledge-Based Systems

ITCS 6156 Machine Learning

ITCS 6157 Visual Databases

ITCS 6161 Advanced Topics in Database Systems

ITCS 6265 Advanced Topics in Knowledge Discovery in Databases

ITCS 6267 Intelligent Information Retrieval

DSBA 6100 Big Data Analytics for Competitive Advantage

MBAD 6201 Business Intelligence and Analytics

MBAD 6202 Business Information Systems Development

  1. Design

Students must take 9 credit hours from the following list:

ITIS 5180 Mobile Application Development

ITIS 6011 Interaction Design Studio

ITIS 6350 Rapid Prototyping Design Patterns

ITIS 6360 User-Centered Design and Evaluation

ITIS 6420 Usable Security and Privacy

ITIS 6500 Complex Adaptive Systems

ITIS 6880 Design-focused Independent Study

ITIS/ITCS 6010 Topics Course (only if topic applicable, and coordinator approved)

ITCS 5122 Visual Analytics

ITCS 5230 Introduction to Game Design and Development

ARCH 7211 / ITCS6211 / ITIS6211 Studio Lab I

ARCH 7212 / ITCS6212 / ITISS6212 Studio Lab II

  1. Emerging Technologies

Students must take 9 credit hours from the aggregated list of courses for all the other concentrations. Students are recommended to take each course from a different concentration to maximize their exposure to the broadest range of latest knowledge in computing and information technology.

  1. Human-Computer Interaction

Students must take 3 courses from the following list.

ITIS 6011 Interaction Design Studio

ITIS 6350 Rapid Prototyping Design Patterns

ITIS 6360 User-Centered Design and Evaluation

ITIS 6410 Personalization and Recommender Systems

ITIS 6420 Usable Security and Privacy

ITCS 5121 Information Visualization

ITCS 5122 Visual Analytics

ITCS 5123 Visualization and Visual Communication

ITCS 6124 Illustrative Visualization

ITCS 6125 Virtual Environments

ITCS 6128 3D Display and Advanced Interfaces

ITCS 6140 Data Visualization

ITIS/ITCS 6010 Topics Course (only if topic applicable, and coordinator approved)

ITCS/PSYC 6216 Introduction to Cognitive Science

PSYC 6102 Research Design and Quantitative Methods in Psychology

PSYC 6116 Cognition

PHIL 6340 Philosophy of Mind

  1. Information Security and Privacy

Students must take 3 courses from the following list.

ITIS 5221 Secure Programming and Penetration Testing

ITIS 5250 Computer Forensics

ITIS/ITCS 6010 Topics Course (only if topic applicable, and coordinator approved)

ITIS 6140 Software Testing and Quality Assurance

ITIS 6150 Software Assurance

ITIS 6167 Network Security

ITIS 6210 Access Control and Security Architecture

ITIS 6220 Data Privacy

ITIS 6230 Information Infrastructure Protection

ITIS 6240 Applied Cryptography

ITIS 6250 Open Source Security Systems

ITIS 6320 Cloud Data Storage

ITIS 6362 Information Technology Ethics, Policy, and Security

ITIS 6420 Usable Security and Privacy

  1. Information Technology Management

Students must take the following course, either as part of the core or as part of this concentration:

  • ITIS 6342 Information Technology Project Management

Additionally, students must take the following course:

  • ITIS 6362 Information Technology Ethics, Policy, and Security

Finally, students must take 1 or 2 courses from the following list, to result in 3 courses for this concentration.

ITIS/ITCS 6010 Topics Course (only if topic applicable, and coordinator approved)

ITIS 6177 System Integration

ITIS 6130 Software Requirements Engineering for Information Systems

ITIS 6230 Information Infrastructure Protection

ITIS 6320 Cloud Data Storage

ITCS 5161 Intellectual Property Aspects of Computing

MBAD 6122 Decision Modeling and Analysis via Spreadsheets

MBAD 6141 Operations Management

MBAD 6161 Human Behavior in Organizations

MBAD 6164 Executive Communication

MBAD 6165 Negotiation & Conflict Management

MBAD 6192 Business Ethics & Corporate Responsibility

MBAD 6201 Business Intelligence and Analytics

MBAD 6202 Business Information Systems Development

MBAD 6203 Info Systems Economics, Strategy, & Policy

MBAD 6204 Business Data Communications

MBAD 6207 Business Project Management

MBAD 6209 Management of Service Operations

Also possible, but requires significant business background:

MBAD 6191 Entrepreneurship

MBAD 6193 Global Business Environment

MBAD 6197 Managing Multinational Enterprise

  1. Software Systems Design and Engineering

Students must take the following course, either as part of the core or as part of this concentration:

  • ITIS 6112 Software System Design and Implementation

Students must take 2 or 3 courses from the following list, to result in 3 courses for this concentration.

ITIS 5180 Mobile Application Development

ITIS 5166 Network-Based Application Development

ITIS 5221 Secure Programming and Penetration Testing

ITIS 6011 Interaction Design Studio

ITIS 6177 System Integration

ITIS 6140 Software Testing and Quality Assurance

ITIS 6150 Software Assurance

ITIS 6210 Access Control and Security Architecture

ITIS 6250 Open Source Security Systems

ITIS 6362 Information Technology Ethics, Policy, and Security

ITIS/ITCS 6010 Topics Course (only if topic applicable, and coordinator approved)

MBAD 6202 Business Information Systems Development

  1. Web Development

Students must take 3 courses from the following list.

ITIS 5166 Network-Based Application Development

ITIS 5180 Mobile Application Development

ITIS 5221 Secure Programming and Penetration Testing

ITIS 5510 Web Mining

ITIS 6011 Interaction Design Studio

ITIS 6177 System Integration

ITIS 6350 Rapid Prototyping Design Patterns

ITIS 6360 User-Centered Design and Evaluation

ITIS 6362 Information Technology Ethics, Policy, and Security

ITIS 6410 Personalization and Recommender Systems

ITIS 6520 Network Science

ITIS/ITCS 6010 Topics Course (if topic applicable, coordinator approved)

Subject to the approval of the MSIT Program Coordinator, a course from outside of the approved list for a concentration may be taken as a substitute for a course for the concentration.

Elective Component (6 credit hours)

Students fulfill the remaining requirements for course work by completing 2 approved elective courses in the area of information technology from the College of Computing and Informatics.

Part of the elective requirements may also be met by taking up an internship worth 3 credit hours as defined in ITIS 6198 (IT Internship Project).