The request to revise ATRN/EXER 4121 and EXER 2218 & 2219

Date: October 5, 2011
To: College of Health and Human Services
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: October 5, 2011
Implementation Date: 2011

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

ATRN 4121. Pharmacology for the Physically Active.(3) Cross-listed as EXER 4121. Prerequisite: A grade of C or above in EXER 3280 or ATRN 3280 or instructor approval. EXER 3260 or ATRN 3260 with a grade of C or above. The course entails an examination of the historical aspects of use, abuse, and addiction within the realm of healthcare and human performance. This course will expose students to a wide variety of drug issues and the unique use and abuse patterns of individuals treated in healthcare settings and physical fitness. (Fall)

EXER 4121. Pharmacology for the Physically Active. (3) Cross-listed as ATRN 4121. Prerequisite: A grade of C or above in EXER 3260 or ATRN 3260 EXER 3280 or ATRN 3280 or instructor approval. The course entails an examination of the historical aspects of use, abuse and addiction within the realm of health and human performance. This course will expose students to a wide variety of drug issues and the unique use and abuse patterns of individuals in the exercise science arena. (Fall)

EXER 2218. Scuba Diving Laboratory. (1) Corequisite: EXER 2219. Prerequisite: Junior, Senior, or Fifth-Year status and appropriate swimming ability to current scuba standards as prescribed by recognized scuba certifying organizations. The skills associated with the use of self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. There is a course fee. Open to all students during summer session. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

EXER 2219. Scuba Diving and Laboratory. (23) Corequisite: EXER 2218. Prerequisite: Junior, Senior, or Fifth-Year status and appropriate swimming ability to current scuba standards as prescribed by recognized scuba certifying organizations.. The science and skills associated with the use of self contained underwater breathing apparatus. Students who demonstrate the required knowledge and skills may request licensure as an open water SCUBA diver. Open to all students during summer session. There is a $60 course fee. (Fall, Spring, Summer)