The request to revise 3000-level and 4000-level FREN courses

Date: February 2, 2015
To: College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: January 21, 2015
Approved by: Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Committee
Implementation Date: Summer 2015

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

FREN 3201. French Grammar and Conversation. (3) (O) Prerequisite: FREN 2202 or permission of department. Review of French grammar and guided conversation on prepared topics. Emphasis on spoken French. (Fall)

FREN 3202. French Grammar and Composition. (3) Prerequisites: FREN 2202 or permission of the department. Pre-or corequisite: FREN 3207. FREN 3201 is also recommended. Review of French grammar and guided compositions on prepared topics. Emphasis on vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and stylistics. (Spring)

FREN 3203. Introduction to French Literature. (3) Prerequisite: FREN 2202. Corequisite: FREN 3202 or permission of department. Development of techniques for literary study through analysis of selected major works in French literature. Readings, discussions, presentations, and explications de texte. (Spring)

FREN 3207. French Phonetics. (3) Prerequisite: FREN 2201 or permission of department. Study of the sounds of the French language, their production and representation by means of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Practice in reading and speaking with proper rhythm and intonation. (Fall)

FREN 3209. France Today. (3) Pre-requisite: FREN 3201 or FREN 3202, or permission of department. Contemporary France: institutions, society, culture. (Fall)

FREN 3210. Introduction to Business French. (3) Prerequisite: FREN 2202 or permission of department. Introduction to spoken and written language of the French-speaking business world. Acquisition of and practice with general commercial terminology used in French for such functional business areas as economics, management, marketing, finance, and import-export. (Spring)

FREN 3800. Directed Individual Study. (1-3) Prerequisite: Permission of department; normally open only to French majors and minors. Individual work on a selected area of study. To be arranged with the instructor, generally during the preceding semester, and by special permission only. May be repeated for credit. (On demand)

FREN 4003. Studies in French Literature. (3) Prerequisite: FREN 3201 or FREN 3202 (both recommended), and FREN 3203 or permission of department. FREN 3203 highly recommended. Study of French literature. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. (On demand)

FREN 4005. Studies in the French Language. (3) Prerequisite: FREN 3201 or FREN 3202 (both recommended), or permission of department. Study of French language. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. (On demand)

FREN 4007. Studies in French Culture and Civilization. (3) Prerequisite: FREN 3201 or FREN 3202 (both recommended), and FREN 3209, or permission of department. Study of French culture and civilization. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. (On demand)

FREN 4050. Topics in French. (1-3) Prerequisites: Junior standing; UWRT 1102 or equivalent if taught in English. Study of French language, culture, or literature. May be taught in French or English. Does not count toward the major. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. (On demand)

FREN 4120. Advanced Business French I. (3) Prerequisite: FREN 3201 FREN 3210, and an additional FREN 3000- or 4000-level course (FREN 3202 recommended), or permission of department. Advanced studies in Business French, with intensive practice in speaking, listening comprehension, reading, writing, and translation in functional business areas such as economics, management, and marketing. (On demand)

FREN 4121. Advanced Business French II. (3) Prerequisite: FREN 3201 FREN 3210, and an additional FREN 3000- or 4000-level course (FREN 3202 recommended), or permission of the department. Advanced studies in Business French, with intensive practice in speaking, listening comprehension, reading, writing, and translation in functional business areas such as marketing, finance, and import-export. (On demand)

FREN 4201. Survey of French Literature I. (3) Prerequisite: FREN 3201 or FREN 3202 (both recommended). FREN 3203. FREN 3203 highly recommended. The major literary movements from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment, with sample texts. Emphasis on continuity and change. (Fall, Odd years)

FREN 4202. Survey of French Literature II. (3) Prerequisite: FREN 3201 or FREN 3202 (both recommended). FREN 3203 and FREN 4201 highly recommended. FREN 3203. The major literary movements from the Enlightenment to the contemporary period, with sample texts. Emphasis on continuity and change. (Fall, Even years)

FREN 4410. Professional Internship in French. (1-6) Prerequisites: FREN 3201 and FREN 3202, or equivalent and permission of department. Faculty-supervised field and/or research experience in a cooperating professional (e.g., business), educational, or community organization. Contents of internship based upon a contractual agreement among the student, department, and field organization. Graded on a Pass/No Credit basis. (Fall, Spring, Summer)