The request to establish a minor in Outdoor Adventure Leadership

Date: December 3, 2012
To: College of Health and Human Services
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: November 12, 2012
Approved by: Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Committee
Implementation Date: Summer 2013

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy


The minor in Outdoor Adventure Leadership is designed to allow students to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities to work (and recreate) in a variety of adventure activities, while fulfilling the requirements for one of the approved degree programs at the University. The courses that satisfy the minor are primarily housed within the Kinesiology Department in the College of Health and Human Services and represent different aspects of the outdoor adventure field.

The minor in Kinesiology’s Outdoor Adventure Leadership (KOAL) consists of a minimum of 18 semester hours of approved coursework, including, KNES 1231 (Introduction to Outdoor Adventure – 2 credits), KNES 3236 (Theory and Foundations of Adventure Education – 3 credits), KNES 4431 (Practicum in Outdoor Adventure Leadership – 2-4 credits), plus an “Intensive Experience” class (chosen from 3 options), an “Outdoor Leadership-based” class (chosen from 2 options), and some approved electives.

The final practicum course will involve playing an active leadership role either with Venture or another (approved) outdoor program. Options could include; planning and leading a wilderness trip for Venture, leading groups at the Venture Challenge Courses, serving as a teaching assistant for one of the KOAL courses, working at another local program (for example the US National Whitewater Center) delivering adventure programming, summer work in the adventure field, etc. A journal and regular check-in with the course instructor will be included in this capstone experience.

Students must attain an overall GPA of 3.0 in all coursework within the minor.

Students matriculated at UNC Charlotte and planning to declare Outdoor Adventure Education as their minor must have an overall GPA of at least 2.0. To apply submit, with a Change of Minor Form, a typed letter of application to the Venture Director, indicating why you are interested in the Minor, how you hope to use the experiences and skills gained through the Minor in your future, and what prior relevant experience you have that you believe will help you be successful in this Minor. The Venture Director will recommend to the Kinesiology Department Chair those individuals who should be admitted into the Program.


The minor in Outdoor Adventure Leadership requires the completion of 18 hours of approved courses as follows:

  • 1. KNES 1231 Introduction to Outdoor Adventure – 2 credits – Fall/Spring

Take at least one of these three “Intensive Experience” courses

  • 2. KNES 2230 Wilderness Experience – 2 credits -Fall
  • 2. KNES 2233 Rock Climbing – 2 credits – Fall/Spring
  • 2. KNES 2236 Challenge Course Activities – 2 credits – Spring

Take at least one of these two “Outdoor Leadership-based ” courses

  • 3. KNES 3230 Wilderness Trip Leading – 3 credits – Spring, possibly Summer
  • 3. KNES 3235 Challenge Course Facilitation – 3 credits – Fall
  • 4. KNES 3236 Theory & Foundations of Adventure Education – 3 credits –Spring (every 2 years)
  • 5. KNES 4431 KOAL Practicum – 2-4 credits – Fall/Spring/possibly Summer

6. Take minimum of 4-6 credits of “electives”. Approved options include:

  1. Any of the above classes not already taken (for example, a student may take KNES 3230 and KNES 3235. One of these classes would count towards the 5 elective credits.) The same goes for KNES 2230, KNES 2233 and KNES 2236.
  2. KNES 2237 – Raft Guiding – 2 credits – Spring
  3. KNES 2238 – Whitewater Kayaking – 2 credits – Fall (every 2 years)
  4. KNES 2239 – Rock Climbing Management – 2 credits – Spring (every 2 years)
  5. KNES 2218 & 2219, Scuba diving (3)
  6. KNES 2220 Advanced Scuba (1)
  7. KNES 2290 First Aid: Responding to Emergencies (3)
  8. BIOL 3144 Ecology (3)[note this course has prerequisites]
  9. BIOL 3229 Field Botany (3)[note this course has prerequisites]
  10. COMM 2105 Small Group Experience (3) [note that this class is currently restricted to certain majors]
  11. COMM 2107 Interpersonal Communication (3) [note that this class is currently restricted to certain majors]
  12. COMM 3135 Leadership, Communication, and Group Dynamics (3)
  13. COMM 3136 Leadership, Service, and Ethics (3)
  14. EDUC 2100 Intro to Education and Diversity in Schools (3)
  15. ESCI 2010 National Parks: Science Behind the Scenery (3)
  16. ESCI 3150 Natural Environments of North America (3) [note this course has prerequisites]
  17. MDSK 3160 Learning and Development” Birth through Adolescence (3) [note this course has prerequisites]
  18. PSYC 3111 Psychology of Learning (3) [note this course has prerequisites]
  19. PSYC 3130 Social Psychology (3) [note this course has prerequisites]
  20. SOCY 4263 Sociology of Small groups (3) [note this course has prerequisites]
  21. SOWK 2182 and/or 2183 Human Behavior in the Social Environment (3) [note this course has prerequisites]
  22. Students may petition for other classes to count toward elective credits.
  23. Independent Study in First Aid which could be given for completing a certification in Wilderness First Responder (3 credits), or Wilderness Advanced First Aid (2 credits) or Wilderness First Aid (1 credit) (needs to be arranged through an approved provider.)
  24. Independent Study in Outdoor Adventure through taking one of the courses offered by Outward Bound or the National Outdoor Leadership School or similar type program.

A note on progression: The ideal progression is to take the 1000 level, then 2000 level, etc.; with electives taken at any time. However such a progression may not always be possible for students. It is highly recommended that students in the Minor confer with the Venture teaching staff when planning their personal course progression.

EXER KNES 1231. Introduction to Outdoor Adventure. (1) (2) Prerequisites: successful completion of water safety test, permission of instructor, and freshman or sophomore standing only Must be a KOAL

Minor or permission of instructor. Introduction to outdoor adventures through active participation in hikes, challenge courses, climbing wall, a solo experience, weekend trips, class discussions and written reflection. Participation in a Venture public trip required, individually selected from Venture’s offerings for the semester. Special fee assessed for the trips. (Fall, Spring)

EXER 1233. KNES 2233 Rock Climbing. (1) (2) Prerequisites: Must be a KOAL Minor or permission of instructor. Introduction to rock climbing with emphasis on belaying and safety systems, climbing techniques, and the metaphorical and psychological aspects of climbing. Course will include: classroom sessions, use of indoor climbing wall, and weekend trips to outdoor climbing sites. A special fee will be charged to cover the costs of the weekend trips. (Fall, Spring)

EXER 1235 KNES 2236. Challenge Course Activities. (1) (2) Prerequisites: Must be a KOAL Minor or permission of instructor. Immersion in a developmental small group team experience using a wide variety of challenge course activities (i.e., ropes course, trust exercises, group initiatives.) The focus is on expanding students’ self-knowledge and understanding of how to work effectively with and lead others. (Spring)

EXER KNES 2230.Wilderness Experience. (3) Corequisite: EXER 2231. (2) Prerequisites: Must be a KOAL Minor or permission of instructor. This course uses a variety of group experiences and adventure activities, including backpacking trips and challenge courses. The goal is a deeper understanding of oneself and of life itself through participation in an in-depth group experience. Significant attention is given to self reflection provides students with a series of progressive challenges, (including challenge course and backcountry travel), and time to reflect on and discuss these challenges. The course goals are two-fold; first to gain deeper understanding of oneself and relationships through participation in in-depth group experiences and second, to gain the skills and knowledge necessary for planning and conducting one’s own backpacking trips. Field experiences during class and two weekend backpacking trips. A special fee will be charged to cover the costs of the trips. (Fall)

EXER 2231. Wilderness Experience Lab. (1) Corequisite: EXER 2230 . The lab will focus on the skills and knowledge necessary for planning and conducting one’s own backpacking trips. The lecture course (EXER 2230) uses the experiences from the lab to increase self knowledge. Two weekend backpacking trips are included. A special fee will be charged to cover the costs of the trips. (Fall)

EXER 2232 KNES 3230. Wilderness Trip Leading. (2) (3) Prerequisites: Must be a KOAL Minor or permission of instructor. Prerequisite: EXER 1231 or EXER 2230 or permission of instructor. The focus is on the broadly accepted skills and knowledge necessary for leading group adventure trips. Includes spring break backpacking trip(s) and classroom sessions. After successful completion of this course students will be eligible to assist with Venture trips. A special fee will be charged to cover the costs of the trips. (Spring)

EXER 2234. Challenge Course Facilitation. (2) Prerequisite: EXER 1235 or EXER 2230 or permission of instructor. Focus on the basic skills and knowledge necessary for safely and effectively leading groups through challenge courses. In addition to class room sessions, weekend days at the Team Challenge Course and observation/ apprenticing of actual Venture programs are required. (Spring)

EXER 2235 KNES 3235. High Ropes Challenge Course Facilitation. (2) (3) Prerequisite: Must be a KOAL Minor or EXER 1235, 2230 or 2234 or permission of instructor. Focus on both the technical and facilitation skills and the knowledge necessary for safely and effectively leading groups through high and low challenge ropes courses. In addition to classroom sessions, weekend days at the Team Challenge Course, High Team Challenge Course and observation/ apprenticing of actual Venture programs are required. (Fall)

KNES 2237. Raft Guiding. (2) Prerequisites: Must be a KOAL Minor or permission of instructor. This course is offered in conjunction with the US National Whitewater Center (USNWC) and covers the same information they provide in their Guide School. Successful completion of this course along with current First Aid and CPR certification would prepare students to work as raft guides for the USNWC. Special fee assessed. It is vital that students taking this class are comfortable being immersed in turbulent water. (Spring)

KNES 2238. White Water Kayaking. (2) Prerequisites: Must be a KOAL Minor or permission of instructor. This course, offered in conjunction with the US National Whitewater Center (USNWC is an introduction to kayaking with an emphasis on; boat control, safety, the Eskimo roll, river reading and whitewater paddling. Special fee assessed. It is vital that students taking this class are comfortable being immersed in turbulent water. (Fall every 2 years)

KNES 2239. Rock Climbing Management. (2) Perquisite: KNES 2233 or Permission of Instructor) Intermediate rock climbing with emphasis on setting anchors, managing a rock climbing site, safety systems and rescues, and climbing techniques. Course will include: classroom sessions, use of indoor climbing wall, and weekend trips to outdoor climbing sites. A special fee will be charged to cover the costs of the weekend trips. (Spring every 2 years)

KNES 3236. Theory & Foundations of Adventure Education. (3) Prerequisites: Must be a KOAL Minor or permission of instructor. An exploration of the history, philosophical foundations, proposed outcomes and operational theories that are common in outdoor adventure education. (Spring every 2 years)

KNES 4431. Outdoor Adventure Leadership Practicum. (2-4) Prerequisites: KNES 3230 or 3235 Must be a KOAL Minor or permission of instructor. This is the capstone course for the Outdoor Adventure Leadership Minor providing an opportunity to take on a defined leadership role with Venture or other outdoor programs. In addition to actual work in the field, there will be professional development requirements and a journal of lessons learned. (Fall/Spring)