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UNC Charlotte Chapter of the American Association of University Professors: Resolution on Revised Immunization Requirements For University and College Students Whereas the UNC System has announced full campus reopenings in Fall 2021; and the coronavirus and its variants continue to impact public health; Whereas known COVID-19 variants transmit more easily and produce more illness in […]
The moratorium for new course and curriculum proposals has ended. Users are now able to start new course and curriculum proposals in Curriculog. Please note that there will be a short moratorium each summer for starting new proposals as we transition from one catalog year to another. This will have no effect on proposals already […]
Note: A short moratorium on starting new proposals begins June 1st as we transition from one catalog year to another. This has no effect on proposals already started. You may continue to use Curriculog, but will not be able to start a new proposal during the moratorium.
From the Faculty President Susan Harden: The administration has initiated a review of policy 101.3, Relationships between Students and Faculty Members or Other University Employees which was last updated in 1996. As Faculty President, I know that our Faculty value professionalism, respect, healthy boundaries, safety, integrity, accountability, and transparency. To this end, how might policy […]

Faculty Secretary – Debra Smith, Africana Studies (CLAS) Faculty Employment Status Committee (FESC), Chair – Arun Ravindran, Electrical and Computer Engineering (COE) Faculty Information & Technology Services Advisory Committee (FITSAC), Chair – Monica Rodriguez, Languages and Culture Studies (CLAS) Faculty Welfare Committee (FWC), Chair – Heather Freeman, Art & Art History (COAA) Graduate Council, Chair […]
Dear Colleagues, The Faculty of UNC Charlotte are charged with the responsibility for making policy decisions regarding the curriculum, academic standards, and the allocation of internal research funds. We are also charged with important advisory responsibilities regarding our working schedule and conditions, the university budget, facilities planning, administrative appointments, and other elements of institutional policy […]
Introducing… The New Curriculog User Experience Curriculog’s new user experience provides faculty and administrators with a host of intuitive design enhancements derived from the feedback of DIGARC’s hundreds of partner institutions. Streamlining navigation, placing key tasks at your fingertips, and expanding the workspace to simplify access to essential information are all part of the new […]
September 18, 2020 Dear Colleagues and Associates: One of the highlights of UNC Charlotte’s Commencement is the recognition of individuals for exceptional and distinctive service to the University or the larger community with an honorary degree from UNC Charlotte. On behalf of the Nominations, Honors, and Awards Committee, I am asking your assistance in nominating […]
Dear Colleagues, I’m writing to ask for your help in identifying potential faculty nominees for the 2020-2021 O. Max Gardner Award. This award is given annually by the UNC Board of Governors to “that member of the faculty of the University of North Carolina who, during the current scholastic year, has made the greatest contribution […]
General Faculty Meeting August 20, 202010:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Colleen Penhall, Chief Communications Officer, facilitated the meeting. She explained that questions were collected ahead of the meeting and they will also be addressing questions submitted via chat during this meeting. Q: Based on what other campuses have experienced in their first weeks, why is […]
The 2020-2021 schedule of Faculty Council and Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) meetings is available on the Faculty Governance website. The first FEC meeting will be held Thursday, September 3, 2020, at 1:00 PM. The first Faculty Council meeting will be held Thursday, September 24, 2020, at 1:00 PM. The deadline for placing items on the […]