Curriculog Guide

This page has information and links on completing the online course and curriculum forms in Curriculog.

Login to Curriculog

You may view all the proposals at the University by going to and using your NinerNET credentials to login. We recommend using Firefox, Chrome, or Safari as your browser with the “Private Mode” turned off. If you are unable to login or unable to start proposals, you may need an account setup in the system. Contact 704-687-5719 or email for account setup.

Which proposal form should you use?

Click on the form names to see their purpose, required fields, and steps to approval. To open the list of proposal forms in Curriculog, go to the ‘Proposals’ tab and click ‘New Proposal’ or go to:

Revise Course
[Course Form 1]

Purpose: Revise or inactivate an existing course

Required Fields: Section B: Department; Revision or Inactivation; Description of requested change; Level of course; Requested Effective Term; Impact Report; Does it affect other departments; Attach or paste consultations; Were credit hours determinted according to the University’s defiinition of a credit hour; Is it a General Education course; Is it an Honors course; Is it a career or professional development course; Does it alter an agreement with a NC community college; Have electronic textbooks been considered; Explain decision on textbooks; Indicate what you have attached; Section D: Course Prefix; Course Number; Proposed New Prefix and Proposed New Course Number (if revising the course prefix and/or number); Course Title; Abbreviated Course Title; Course Description; Credit Hours; Repeatable details; Repeat Limit; Repeat Maximum; General Education; Prerequisite Courses; Corequisite Courses; Pre- or Corequisite Courses; Other Restrictions; Grade Mode; Instructional Method; Schedule Type; Cross-listings

Other Fields: Section E: Questions for “W” designation courses; Questions for “O” designation courses; Section F: Questions for other General Education courses; Section G: Questions for Service Learning courses

Supplemental Materials Needed: Consultations (if applicable); Course Syllabus (if applicable)

Steps to Approval: Graduate Workflow, Undergraduate Workflow

Create a New Course
[Course Form 2]

Purpose: Create a brand new course

Required Fields: Section A: Department; Course level; Statement why course is being proposed; Requested Effective Term; Does it affect other departments; Attach or paste consultations; Were credit hours determinted according to the University’s defiinition of a credit hour; Is it an Honors course; Is it a career or professional development course; Does it alter an agreement with a NC community college; Have electronic textbooks been considered; Explain decision on textbooks; Attach draft syllabus; Indicate what you have attached; Section B: Course Prefix; Course Number; Does course number comply with Course Numbering Policy; Course Title; Abbreviated Course Title; Course Description; Credit Hours; If course be repeated for credit; Repeatable details; Repeat Limit; Repeat Maximum; Is it a General Education course; General Education requirements satisfied; Prerequisite Courses; Corequisite Courses; Pre- or Corequisite Courses; Other Restrictions; Grade Mode; Instructional Method; Schedule Type; Cross-listings

Other Fields: Section C (graduate only): Does syllabus contain the minimal requirements for Graduate Council; Identify the need; What students will be served; How is course numbering consistent with the level; Number of times previously offered as a special topics course; Anticipated enrollment; How often will it be taught; How will other courses be affected; Specify faculty load; Adequacy of space available; Adequacy of resources; Estimated cost of new resources required; Section D: Questions for “W” designation courses; Questions for “O” designation courses; Section E: Questions for other General Education courses; Section F: Questions for Service Learning courses

Supplemental Materials Needed: Course Syllabus; Consultations (if applicable)

Steps to Approval: Graduate Workflow, Undergraduate Workflow

Discontinue Course
[Course Form 3]

Purpose: Revise or inactivate an existing course

Required Fields: Section B: Department; Revision or Inactivation; Description of requested change; Level of course; Requested Effective Term; Impact Report; Does it affect other departments; Attach or paste consultations; Were credit hours determinted according to the University’s defiinition of a credit hour; Is it a General Education course; Is it an Honors course; Is it a career or professional development course; Does it alter an agreement with a NC community college; Have electronic textbooks been considered; Explain decision on textbooks; Indicate what you have attached; Section D: Course Prefix; Course Number; Proposed New Prefix and Proposed New Course Number (if revising the course prefix and/or number); Course Title; Abbreviated Course Title; Course Description; Credit Hours; Repeatable details; Repeat Limit; Repeat Maximum; General Education; Prerequisite Courses; Corequisite Courses; Pre- or Corequisite Courses; Other Restrictions; Grade Mode; Instructional Method; Schedule Type; Cross-listings

Other Fields: Section E: Questions for “W” designation courses; Questions for “O” designation courses; Section F: Questions for other General Education courses; Section G: Questions for Service Learning courses

Supplemental Materials Needed: Consultations (if applicable); Course Syllabus (if applicable)

Steps to Approval: Graduate Workflow, Undergraduate Workflow

Revise Program
[Program Form 1]

Purpose: Revise or inactivate an existing program or concentration

Required Fields: Section A: Program or Shared Core; Section B: Department; Revision or Inactivation; Description of proposed revision; Program Type; Sizeable change to program; New total number of credit hours if revising total; Requested Effective Term; Does it affect other departments; Attach or paste consultations; Number of new courses created for program revision; Provide hyperlink to related new course proposals; Delivery method; Does this impact General Education; Are you revising an Undergraduate program’s admissions requirements; Does it require change in Student Learning Outcomes; Does it alter an agreement with a NC community college; Questions regarding justification and impact; Questions regarding resources; Indicate what you have attached; Section D: Program Title; Program Description; Degree Requirements and Curriculum

Supplemental Materials Needed: Consultations (if applicable); Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan (if applicable)

Steps to Approval: Graduate Workflow, Undergraduate Workflow

Create New Program (for minor, concentration, certificate, dual degree of existing degrees, or Honors program)
[Program Form 2]

New Program (for minor, concentration, certificate, dual degree of existing degrees, or Honors program)
[Program Form 2]

Purpose: Create a brand new (non-degree) program or new concentration

Required Fields: Section A: Department; College; State action proposed; Program or Shared Core; Program type; Program level; Requested Effective Term; List closely related approved programs; Does it affect other departments; Attach or paste consultations; Number of new courses created for program; Provide hyperlink to related new course proposals; Delivery Method; Questions regarding justification and impact; Questions regarding resources; CIP Code (if applicable); Attachments; Indicate what you have attached; Section B: Program Title; Program Description; Admissions Requirements; Degree Requirements and Curriculum; Other Requirements (optional); Grade Requirements; Total number of credit hours

Other Fields: Section C (graduate certificates only): Graduate Program Director; Admissions requirements; Percentage of courses in certificate that could lead to a Master’s degree; Impact on existing curricula; Projected annual enrollment; Tuition increment; How will certificate be evaluated

Supplemental Materials Needed: Consultations (if applicable); Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan (if applicable); Substantive Change Planning Questionnaire (if applicable); Approval to Offer Dual Degree or Joint Degree Partnership form (if applicable)

Steps to Approval: Graduate Workflow, Undergraduate Workflow

Create New Degree Program: Request for Preliminary Authorization & Request to Establish
[Program Form 3]

Purpose: Create a new degree program – Request for Preliminary Authorization phase

Required Fields: Section A: Department; Program Level; Program Name; Degree; Attach request for preliminary authorization; Attach UNC System Academic Program Planning Financial Worksheet; Indicate what you have attached

Supplemental Materials Needed: Request for Preliminary Authorization

Steps to Approval: Graduate Workflow, Undergraduate Workflow

New Program (for degree program) – Part Two: Request to Establish
[Program Form 3b]

Purpose: Create a new degree program – Request to Establish phase

Required Fields: Section A: Department; College; Program or Shared Core; Program Level; Requested Effective Term; List closely related approved programs; Does it affect other departments; Attach or paste consultations; Number of new courses created for program; Provide hyperlink to related new course proposals; Delivery method; CIP Code; Proposed Major Code; Request for Preliminary Authorization; Attach documents and indicate what you have attached; Section B: Program Title; Program Description; Admissions Requirements; Degree Requirements and Curriculum; Other Requirements (optional); Grade Requirements; Total number of credit hours

Supplemental Materials Needed: Consultations (if applicable); Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan; Request for Preliminary Authorization; Request to Establish; UNC System Academic Program Planning Financial Worksheet; Substantive Change Planning Questionnaire

Steps to Approval: Graduate Workflow, Undergraduate Workflow

Discontinue Program
[Program Form 4]

Purpose: Revise or inactivate an existing program or concentration

Required Fields: Section A: Program or Shared Core; Section B: Department; Revision or Inactivation; Description of proposed revision; Program Type; Sizeable change to program; New total number of credit hours if revising total; Requested Effective Term; Does it affect other departments; Attach or paste consultations; Number of new courses created for program revision; Provide hyperlink to related new course proposals; Delivery method; Does this impact General Education; Are you revising an Undergraduate program’s admissions requirements; Does it require change in Student Learning Outcomes; Does it alter an agreement with a NC community college; Questions regarding justification and impact; Questions regarding resources; Indicate what you have attached; Section D: Program Title; Program Description; Degree Requirements and Curriculum

Supplemental Materials Needed: Consultations (if applicable); Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan (if applicable)

Steps to Approval: Graduate Workflow, Undergraduate Workflow

Program Delivery (for changing how or where a program is delivered)
[Program Form 5]

Purpose: Adding, removing, or changing online or off-campus (including the Dubois Center at UNC Charlotte Center City) distance education (or a combination of these modes) to a program. Other Curriculog forms will be necessary to process curricular changes. Examples: increasing online delivery, offering at an off-campus site, offering at Dubois Center, ending offering at an off-campus site, ending a program that is offered online.

Required Fields: Section A: Requested effectiver term; Description of request; Originating department; Program name and type; Program Level; Existing or new program; Program Director; Section B: Addition or change in delivery; Delivery type table; Off-campus sites

Supplemental Materials Needed: Request to Deliver form (if applicable)

Steps to Approval: Workflow

Renew Graduate Certificate
[Program Form 6]

Purpose: Renew a Graduate certificate

Required Fields: Section A: Department; Certificate Name; Certificate Type; Section B: Certificate Renewal Assessment questions

Steps to Approval: Workflow

Request to Offer Early Entry Graduate Program or Accelerated Master’s Program
[Program Form 7]

Purpose: Implement an Early Entry Graduate Program option or Accelerated Master’s option

Required Fields: Section A: Department; Early Entry or Accelerated Master’s; Program Name and Degree/Certificate; Are you the Graduate Program Director; Section B (if Early Entry): Admissions requirements; Continued Enrollment Requirements; Double-Counted Courses (optional); Section C (if Accelerated Master’s): Admissions requirements; Continued Enrrollment Requirements; Double-Counted Courses

Steps to Approval: Workflow

Revise Degree Name
[Program Form 8]

Purpose: Revise an existing degree name

Required Fields: Section A: Department; Degree Level; Existing Degree Name; Proposed Degree Name; Attach memo to Provost; Indicate what you have attached

Supplemental Materials Needed: Memo to the Provost with reason and rationale for the change

Steps to Approval: Workflow

Revise CIP Code
[Program Form 9]

Purpose: Changing a CIP Code of an existing degree program or certificate

Required Fields: Section A: Department; Program name and type; Program Level; Current CIP Code; Desired CIP Code; Attach memo to Provost; Indicate what you have attached

Supplemental Materials Needed: Memo to Provost with rationale and analysis for the change

Steps to Approval: Workflow

One-Time Course Approval
[Supplemental Course Form 1]

Purpose: For one-time only course approvals to allow for expediency when necessary

Required Fields: Section A: Department; New or Revised Course; Course prefix and number; Description of requested action; Desired Effective Term; Hyperlink to related course proposal

Supplemental Materials Needed: Submit the related ‘New Course’ or ‘Course Revision’ proposal

Steps to Approval: Workflow

Other Course or Program Change
[Other Form 1]

Purpose: When proposal action cannot be handled by the existing forms

Required Fields: Section A: Department; Graduate or Undergraduate; Course prefix and number or Program name; Description of requested action; Requested Effective Term; Does it involve General Education; Does it involve Honors

Steps to Approval: Graduate Workflow, Undergraduate Workflow

Non-Curricular Catalog Section Revision
[Other Form 2]

Purpose: For revisions to Catalog text that is not part of a curricular program or course (Example: revisions to department description or college description)

Required Fields: Section A: Program or Shared core; Section B: Department; Proposal title; Section D: Catalog Section Title; Catalog Section Text; Additional Cores

The Icons of Curriculog

IconWhy is it Used?Where is it located?

Workflow Steps – a mark inside each circle indicates that step has made a decision. = approved; = rejected; = no decision yet; = custom route; = held

Proposals list and within each proposal.
Send Message – this will let you send a message about the proposal (with link) to specified users.Proposals list.
Watch Proposal – this will add the proposal to your Watch List.Proposals list.
View Summary – this will bring up a summary of the proposal and the workflow.Proposals list.
New Proposal – this will open a list of proposal form options (aka approval processes).Proposals list.
Preview Form – before starting a proposal, you can use this to look at the form. list.
Start Proposal – this will start a proposal. list.
Collapse – collapses a section.Throughout proposal.
Expand – opens a section.Throughout proposal.
Import – this will import course/program information from the current catalog into the proposal.Top of proposal.
Impact Report – this will run an impact report that you can copy and paste into the impact report field question.Top of proposal.
Save All Changes – this will save your progress with the proposalTop of proposal & floating button at bottom.
Launch – this will launch the proposal, which starts the workflow and track changes. Note: You (the originator) are the first step in the workflow.Top of proposal.
Save – saves changes to a field in a launched proposal.Throughout launched proposal.
Discussion – displays proposal’s comments and user tracking (“Show current with markup”).Proposal toolbox (on right).
Steps to Approval/Workflow – lists the approval steps in the workflow and provides a history of the approval process.Proposal toolbox (on right).
Files – where you can view and upload file attachments (syllabus, academic plan of study, etc.).Proposal toolbox (on right).
Crosslistings – lets you add or view cross-listed proposals.Proposal toolbox (on right).
Decisions – this area is where you lodge your decision (approve, reject, or custom route).Proposal toolbox (on right).
Print Proposal – this will print out the proposal.Top of proposal.
Delete – this will delete an unlaunched proposal.My proposals list.
Held – a proposal held by administrator (placed in a holding pattern)Proposal list.
Urgent – a proposal with no activity for 45 daysProposal list.
Stuck – a proposal with no activity for 55 daysProposal list.
New Agenda – lets you create a new agenda.Agendas list.
Publish Agenda – lets you publish an agenda.Top of agenda.
Unpublish Agenda – lets you unpublish and edit a published agenda.Top of published agenda.
Archive Agenda – lets you archive an agenda in which the committee has made a decision on all proposals assigned to the agendaTop of completed agenda.

Important Terminology/Functions

Approving – Advances the proposal to the next workflow step.

Completed Proposal – When every step in the workflow of a proposal has been approved, then the proposal is considered completed and approved.

Custom Route – Is an additioanl ad hoc step outside the steps in the approval process. The current workflow step may choose to add individuals or a committee to the workflow by creating a custom route. Custom routes require Administrator approval.

Help Text – Help text should be turned on when completing a proposal form. When turned on, help text provides additonal information/instructions pertaining to specific proposal form fields.

Impact Report – When making a revision to an existing course, you will need to run an impact report to see all courses and programs impacted by this course. This will aid in determining which departments, if any, need to be consulted. The report should be copied and pasted into the appropriate proposal form field.

Importing – Curriculog is linked to our online catalog. You can import the current course or program information into the proposal form and after launch make your revisions.

Instructions – Each proposal form begins with the ‘Instructions’ section. The information contained in this section is tailored to the specific proposal form and can be very helpful in completing your proposal.

Launching – Once the proposal form is complete, the proposal can be launched. Launching begins the workflow, starts track changes, and makes the proposal visable to the University. Launching is only the first step of a two-step process to advance a proposal. Step 1: complete the form and launch. Step 2: make revisions (if a course or program revision proposal) and approve.

Originator – The Originator is the person who starts a proposal. The Originator is also the first step in the proposal’s workflow. The Originator must complete the two-step process to advance the proposal. Step 1: complete the form and launch. Step 2: make revisions (if a course or program revision proposal) and approve.

Workflow Steps – Each proposal has a unique workflow based on the provided answers to certain form fields (level of course, type of program, etc.). Also known as the Steps to Approval. When every step in the workflow has been approved, then the proposal is considered completed and approved.


We have more Curriculog help on our Curriculog Training Resources page, including: how-to documents, videos, and training schedule. And you can always contact or 704-687-5719.