Consent Calendar 05-21-13
To: Faculty Council Members
From: Ed Jernigan, Faculty President
Date: May 21, 2013
Re: Consent Calendar
This Consent Calendar (See Article V, Section 3.B (3 & 4) and 3.K (3 & 5) of the Standing Rules of the Faculty Council) includes:
Below is a summary of the catalog descriptions/changes from the above proposals.
Proposed Catalog Copy:
The request to create HCIP 5370, 5375, 5376, and 6380 as regular course offerings
The request to revise the B.A. in Earth Sciences
The request to revise the B.S. in Earth Sciences
If there is any objection to this Consent Calendar, it must be registered with the Faculty Governance Assistant at by 5:00 PM on June 4, 2013. If no objections are registered, the Consent Calendar will stand approved.