Consent Calendar 05-17-13

To: Faculty Council Members
From: Ed Jernigan, Faculty President
Date: May 17, 2013

Re: Consent Calendar

This Consent Calendar (See Article V, Section 3.B (3 & 4) and 3.K (3 & 5) of the Standing Rules of the Faculty Council) includes:

PDF icon

Below is a summary of the catalog descriptions/changes from the above proposals.

Proposed Catalog Copy:
The request for multiple revisions to the MBA Marketing Concentration
The request to create INES 8201
The request to create PSYC 8245
The request to establish three Concentrations and revise the curriculum of the Master of Science in Engineering Management
The request to establish a new MBA Concentration in Energy
The request to establish a new post-baccalaureate certificate in Data Science and Business Analytics and create DSBA 6100

If there is any objection to this Consent Calendar, it must be registered with the Faculty Governance Assistant at by 5:00 PM on May 31, 2013. If no objections are registered, the Consent Calendar will stand approved.