Consent Calendar 02-27-15

To: Faculty Council Members
From: Gregory Starrett, Faculty President
Date: February 27, 2015

Re: Consent Calendar

This Consent Calendar (See Article V, Section 3.B (3 & 4) and 3.K (3 & 5) of the Standing Rules of the Faculty Council) includes:

PDF icon SIS 08-29-14: new course ITIS 6350/8350
PDF icon PSYC 08-05-14: revise and renumber undergraduate PYSC courses
PDF icon SIS 10-27-14: new course ITIS 6530/8530
PDF icon BUSA 12-05-14: new major in Business Analytics to the B.S.B.A.
PDF icon SIS 08-28-14: new course ITIS 6360/8360

Below is a summary of the catalog descriptions/changes from the above proposals.

Proposed Catalog Copy:
The request to create ITIS 6350/8350
The request to revise and renumber undergraduate PSYC courses
The request to create ITIS 6530/8530
The request to establish a new concentration in Business Analytics to the B.S.B.A. Business Administration Major
The request to create ITIS 6360/8360

If there is any objection to this Consent Calendar, it must be registered with the Faculty Governance Assistant at by 5:00 PM on March 13, 2015. If no objections are registered, the Consent Calendar will stand approved.