The request to renumber ENGL 3300, 3301, and 3302 as 2400, 2401, and 2402

Date: October 24, 2010
To: College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
From: Clarence Greene, Faculty Governance Assistant
Approved On: October 6, 2010
Implementation Date: 2010

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

ENGL 3300 2400.American Literature Survey. (3) This course surveys the whole of American literature from the Colonial to the Modern period. Major authors and literary movements, as well as important ideas and cultural issues will be addressed. Required of English majors. (Fall, Spring, Summer, Evenings)

ENGL 3301 2401. British Literature Survey I. (3) This course surveys British literature from the Medieval period to the Renaissance. Major authors and literary movements as well as important ideas and cultural issues will be addressed. Required of English majors. (Fall, Spring, Summer, Evenings)

ENGL 3302 2402. British Literature Survey II. (3) This course surveys British literature from the Neoclassical to the Modern period. Major authors and literary movements, as well as important ideas and cultural issues will be addressed. Required of English majors. (Fall, Spring, Summer, Evenings)