The request to create ITIS 6011/8011

Date: September 11, 2014
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: August 20, 2014
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Fall 2014

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

ITIS 6011. Interaction Design Studio. (4) Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of department. This course is a studio approach to teaching topics in interaction design. Aspects of interaction design taught in the studio include: gesture-based interaction, tangible interaction, large public display interaction, tabletop interaction, multi-touch tablet interaction, and human-robot interaction. In this course students will learn how to apply a theoretical understanding of some aspect of interaction design to the study of existing designs and the development of a new design. Outcomes include writing a literature review about interaction design, executing users studies and critiques of existing designs, and developing and implementing a new interaction design for a specific purpose. This course is repeatable for credit. (Spring)

ITIS 8011. Interaction Design Studio. (4) Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of department. This course is a studio approach to teaching topics in interaction design. Aspects of interaction design taught in the studio include: gesture-based interaction, tangible interaction, large public display interaction, tabletop interaction, multi-touch tablet interaction, and human-robot interaction. In this course students will learn how to apply a theoretical understanding of some aspect of interaction design to the study of existing designs and the development of a new design. Outcomes include writing a literature review about interaction design, executing users studies and critiques of existing designs, and developing and implementing a new interaction design for a specific purpose. This course is repeatable for credit. (Spring)