The request to create ITCS/ITIS 2600

Date: December 9, 2015
To: College of Computing & Informatics
From: Office of Academic Affairs
Approved On: November 17, 2015
Approved by: Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Committee
Implementation Date: Spring 2016

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

ITCS 2600 Computing Professionals II (1) Cross-listed as ITIS 2600. All transfer students can take this course as a replacement for ITCS 1600. This course serves as an introduction on how to become a professional in computing fields. Students will learn about setting goals, defining their dream career, becoming a part of the university, planning coursework, building networks, managing time, and working in a team. Additionally, several guest speakers and industry panels will discuss and explain, in detail, various aspects of a professional career in IT related fields. Throughout this course, students will build a professional profile including their goals, values, dream career, student organizations, coding skills, communication skills, curriculum plan, professional network, team TED talk, resume, and 30-second elevator pitch. May not be repeated for grade replacement. (Spring)

ITIS 2600 Computing Professionals II (1) Cross-listed as ITCS 2600. All transfer students can take this course as a replacement for ITCS 1600. This course serves as an introduction on how to become a professional in computing fields. Students will learn about setting goals, defining their dream career, becoming a part of the university, planning coursework, building networks, managing time, and working in a team. Additionally, several guest speakers and industry panels will discuss and explain, in detail, various aspects of a professional career in IT related fields. Throughout this course, students will build a professional profile including their goals, values, dream career, student organizations, coding skills, communication skills, curriculum plan, professional network, team TED talk, resume, and 30-second elevator pitch. May not be repeated for grade replacement. (Spring)