The request to revise the Graduate Certificate in Real Estate and Development and create MSRE 6259

Date: March 11, 2016
To: Belk College of Business
From: Office of Academic Affairs

Approved On: February 26, 2016
Approved by: Graduate Council
Implementation Date: Summer 2016

Note: Deletions are strikethroughs. Insertions are underlined.

Catalog Copy

Certificate Requirements

This 15-credit certificate program consists of:

Core Requirement (3 credit hours)

MBAD/MSRE 6152 Financial Management (3)

Plus 4 of the following (12 credit hours):

MBAD/MSRE 6158 Real Estate Finance and Investment (3)

MBAD/MSRE 6159 Real Estate Development (3)

MBAD/MSRE 6160 Real Estate Capital Markets (3)

MBAD/MSRE 6258 Site Feasibility Analysis (3)

MBAD/MSRE 6259 Applied Real Estate Development (3)

ECON 6250 Advanced Urban and Regional Economics (3)

MSRE 6259. Applied Real Estate Development. (3) Cross-listed as GEOG 6105, and MBAD 6259. Prerequisite: MSRE 6159, MBAD 6159, or GEOG 6103. Focuses on the application of the processes involved in real estate development. Students work in groups on a semester project to select a site and prepare an appropriate development plan that emphasizes the market and financial feasibility of the real estate development.